
Monday, September 21, 2009

Changing perspectives

A rising tide lifts all boats. 


Rob Weir - From ODF pre-1.2 to ODF 1.2 from Newwws on Vimeo.

ODF Document Icons - as proposed to ESC March 2009

ODF Document Icons - proposed to OASIS - used by OO.o and Staroffice.

The full blog entry - GullFOSS Unified odf icons

At least that is what I take away as the abbreviated version of the argument.

Seems I’ve read the term ’times are changing’’ or something similar while reading the email traffic about this icon issue and branding..yes they are.

Looking at the first screen in the follwoing Impress file one would think, OH Yeah change those Icons – it means quite a bit.

Do we really care that much about icons?

Then again if you looked at the other screens – the MS Windows 7 file manager has indeed changed things. Kind of hard to miss the file types – no matter what the icon, when there is an icon displayed anyways.